Solving Reinforcement Learning Classic Control Problems | OpenAIGym

Shiva Verma
7 min readMar 27, 2019
Photo by Dominik Scythe on Unsplash

If you are a beginner in reinforcement learning and want to implement it, then OpenAIGym is the right place to begin from.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is an interesting area of Machine learning. The rough idea is that you have an agent and an environment. The agent takes actions and environment gives reward based on those actions, The goal is to teach the agent optimal behaviour in order to maximize the reward received by the environment.

Reinforcement Learning Diagram

For example, have a look at the diagram. This maze represents our environment. Our purpose would be to teach the agent an optimal policy so that it can solve this maze. The maze will provide a reward to the agent based on the goodness of each action it takes. Also, each action taken by agent leads it to the new state in the environment.

OpenAI Gym provides really cool environments to play with. These environments are divided into 7 categories. One of the categories is Classic Control which contains 5 environments. I will be solving 3 environments. I will leave 2 environments for you to solve as an exercise. Please read…



Shiva Verma
Shiva Verma

Written by Shiva Verma

Machine Learning Engineer | Available for consultancy |

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